Updating Results

AngloGold Ashanti Australia

  • #4 in Mining, oil & gas
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at AngloGold Ashanti Australia

8.8 rating for Diversity, based on 5 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
A good attitude towards making the workplace as diverse as possible. The company sees the value in being flexible to retain employees and in hiring across a diverse range of people
Graduate, Remote Western Australia
There are very clear programs and initiatives to promote diversity within the workplace. AGAA does a great job at that.
Graduate, Perth
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
AGGA is transparent with their notion that everyone deserves a chance to present their capabilities regardless of their background or upbringing. I've had the privilege to meet Graduates from different disciplines, work experiences and hometowns.
Graduate, Perth