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  • #2 in Law
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Ashurst

9.0 rating for Training, based on 27 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
The graduate program has fortnightly training sessions, but there are always lots of opportunities for training and professional development. It's a really supportive environment
Graduate, Brisbane
The training has been sufficient, but at times, I have been advised to prioritise billable work over developmental experiences.
Graduate, Perth
I have learned far more from informal/ on the job training than formal training sessions. Training sessions take up a lot of time and I don't feel as though I get benefit out of them until I have the opportunity to practice the skills and learn through doing anyway.
Graduate, Brisbane
The Banking, Restructuring and other transactional finance related training at Ashurst is market leading far beyond any other Big 6 firm.
Graduate, Sydney
Very good both formal training and on the job training
Graduate, Sydney
There are lots of training opportunities at Ashurst - in every team I have rotated through, I have received a great amount of formal and informal training which has been invaluable.
Graduate, Sydney
Graduate training program is comprehensive and well-intentioned, sometimes the topics are not the most useful for the type of work I am doing and we may be better assisted by more practical topics, and all training is over video conference which is not always the most engaging format but still beneficial
Graduate, Perth
Activate program for all graduates taking us through fundamental skills and team specific training sessions.
Graduate, Brisbane
Provides some technical training and some on the job training from seniors.
Graduate, Brisbane
The on the job training is really great - you get good work with good people who give you good feedback. The formal training is consistent and ongoing throughout your career.
Graduate, Melbourne