Updating Results

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

6.4 rating for Sustainability, based on 28 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
Midlevel, Melbourne
I am not too sure about what the ABS does to reduce its environmental footprint.
Midlevel, Sydney
Separate bins for organic waste and recycling in most kitchens. Unsure of other efforts.
Graduate, Canberra
Haven't observed many active initiatives in this area. It seems to generally be considered important, though.
Graduate, Perth
General reminders about turning off computers, lights etc.; recycling bins; printing defaults to double sided etc. Mostly good but little things.
Graduate, Hobart
Not aware of any other than going to paperless.
Graduate, Perth
We have a Green Team club which helps lead environmentally green initiatives in the office such as pen and soft plastic collection for recycling and keep cup drives.
Midlevel, Melbourne
Some small initiatives are around but sustainability/green initiatives appear to be of relatively low importance to the company. Could definitely do more to integrate sustainability into the company at various levels.
Graduate, Canberra
Reduce environmental footprint is written down in our email signature.
Graduate, Melbourne