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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at ANSTO

9.0 rating for Working Hours, based on 7 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
We have flexible arrangements and opportunities to work from home.
Graduate, Lucas Heights
Very flexible - the ability to accrue time in leu during busy periods is a luxury which I appreciate greatly.
Graduate, South Sydney
My company is very flexible with hours from my perspective. As long as we work the correct number of hours per day, we can fit them in when it best suits us (within reason). Additionally, we have flex time, so any additional time worked can be taken off at another point.
Graduate, Sydney
7.35 hours expected per day but very flexible. Overtime is accumulated as flex.
Graduate, Sydney
Very flexible. Start and finish as you like, just do the requisite weekly hours. Opportunity to WfH depending on division. Overtime is accrued as flexible time which you can take off with pay
Graduate, Sydney