Updating Results

Fuse Recruitment

  • #1 in Recruitment & HR
  • < 100 employees

Management at Fuse Recruitment

8.8 rating for Management, based on 6 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
The managers at Fuse are all very accessible and easy to get a hold of! We have a monthly review where we go over our progress from the previous month and have a chance to offer and receive feedback which is a great way of discussing any challenges/issues we've been having
Graduate, Melbourne
They're very supportive and would teach my everything if I don't understand
Intern, Melbourne
The senior recruiters and managers are extremely helpful and care about your wellbeing. There is good communication and recognition of hard work.
Graduate, Melbourne
very good
Experienced, Adelaide, Gawler
Very accessible and helpful
Graduate, Melbourne
Yes, they really make sure they put your health and wellbeing first. They are very committed to seeing you succeed.
Graduate, Brisbane