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Fuse Recruitment

  • #1 in Recruitment & HR
  • < 100 employees

Salary at Fuse Recruitment

6.5 rating for Salary, based on 6 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
My current salary has been a good starting point for an entry-level job
Graduate, Melbourne
I didnt get paid for my internship but I assume normally would be pretty good
Intern, Melbourne
Don't have any bonuses
Graduate, Melbourne
not eligible for bonuses
Experienced, Adelaide, Gawler
Pay seems competitive. Do not know about bonuses
Graduate, Melbourne
Can be poor to begin with, but they are more then willing to increase with good results and right attitude
Graduate, Brisbane
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Every employee gets a paid day off on their birthday and then gets a cake when they return! There's also a stocked drinks fridge for Friday afternoons, weekly fruit boxes and team lunches
Graduate, Melbourne
Free tickets, Wednesday culture lunches, spontaneous quizzes and fun activities
Graduate, Melbourne
Experienced, Adelaide, Gawler
Company drinks, breakfast and lunch for special occasions
Graduate, Melbourne
dinners, afternoon teas
Graduate, Brisbane