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Working Hours at GHD

7.8 rating for Working Hours, based on 42 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
I work extra hours some days if I have to leave early other days. My manager is very supportive of this.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle
Flexible in that I can pick my start and end times when in the office. Fieldwork is generally longer, with some leads consciously stopping at 10 and some expecting longer hours.
Graduate, Sydney
I start before 8 and typically wrap up around 5. Sometimes there are very, very long days - but a formalised time off in lieu has been piloted recently. I take a half an hour lunch break. As long as you do your eight hours and are reachable to your team - they are flexible. Timesheets are a must.
Graduate, Melbourne
Very flexible with working from home and the office when needed. I feel there is a good culture in our team of only working your 40 hours a week and having a good work life balance. There is no expectation that you work late.
Graduate, Sydney
8 hours a day (mostly in office) but can work from home where required. Work some overtime if required but not regularly
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle
Work is very flexible. As long as I let them know and meet my required hours its no worries. I rarely work extra hours and if i have to, I am encouraged to take it as time in lieu
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle
GHD is a little flexible with hours. You must work around 8 hours a day but it is possible to leave work or come late as long as you make up the hours and mention to your manager.
Graduate, Brisbane
Work hours aren't set and are flexible. As long as you work your set hours a week, it is great.
Graduate, Sydney
No flexibility, must work 40 hours a week, regardless of work available.
Graduate, Brisbane
We are expected to work 8 to 5, 5 days a week. It is somewhat flexible if we work 9 hours one day to then work 7 the next. However, spending 45 hours a week at the office can make work-life balance difficult to achieve.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Cairns
I think work hours are good - we can do hybrid work. They are understanding of issues that may come up
Graduate, Sydney
Great, depends on manager.
Graduate, Melbourne
The company is quite flexible in that you can come in slightly later and finish later/start slightly earlier and finish earlier as long as you can still make all your scheduled meetings
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible. I feel I can take an appointment, as long as it does not conflict with a preexisting client meeting and then make up the hours when it works for me.
Graduate, Brisbane
The hours are very flexible which is amazing
Graduate, Melbourne
My work hours every day vary - it is really dependent on how much work I have. Sometimes I have so much that I am in the office until 9pm and sometimes I dont have enough so I am finishing early and not knowing what to do.
Graduate, Sydney
Very flexible given proper communication has occurred.
Graduate, Melbourne
Long hours are occasionally necessary, but I don't mind this and I see it as a necessary part of the interesting work that I do.
Graduate, Brisbane
GHD encourages us to come into the office whenever possible but there is a good amount of flexibility to work from home. If I have personal commitments such as an appointment, it's never been an issue to leave work for a few hours and either make up that time later in the day or take a partial day of personal leave.
Graduate, Melbourne
Would like to work 7.5hr days rather than 8hr.
Graduate, Perth