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J.P. Morgan Australia

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Application Process & Interviews at J.P. Morgan Australia

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 11 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Three step interview process where you submit an application and answer generic questions, a phone interview, and lastly a face to face interview.
Midlevel, Sydney
I joined as a graduate via the intern program. The intern interview process included two rounds of phone interviews and a 4-hour assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney
Case studies, technical interviews, qualitative questions
Midlevel, Sydney
Challenging process with technical knowledge, market knowledge as well as behavioral questions
Graduate, Sydney
Online application including cover letter submission and two rounds of interviews (phone interview, 2 x 2 on 1 interviews in person on the same day)
Graduate, Sydney
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
What I understand about business and which particular businesses. What do I know about J.P. Morgan and what do I like about them
Midlevel, Sydney
Typical behavioral questions and typical financial interview questions to show baseline understanding of valuation and accounting.
Graduate, Sydney
A mix of corporate finance, problem solving, and 'getting to know you' type questions
Midlevel, Sydney
Why J.P. Morgan, why markets, knowledge of current events and news items, behavioral question e.g. 'Discuss a time I have demonstrated resilience'.
Graduate, Sydney
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Must do adequate research of J.P. Morgan as a business, use your own personal experience to answer questions. ie. take examples from jobs where you've previously worked, University assignments. Think about what kind of questions you will get.
Midlevel, Sydney
Look for all possible ways to get experience in the firm, it offers more than one route such as the Hatch program and High school programs
Graduate, Sydney
Technical knowledge is necessary but not sufficient - you just need to know them. I feel that people get too bogged down in this part of the interview process. It's the behavioral part in interviews that is more important. Be likeable, be interesting, show integrity, show interest in the role.
Graduate, Sydney
Prepare in depth knowledge on standard investment banking interview questions and brush up on corporate finance
Midlevel, Sydney
Know your stuff
Graduate, Sydney
Research the company in depth. J.P. Morgan prides itself on their history and culture so understand how this aligns with your values and be able to detail this in the interview.
Graduate, Sydney