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  • 100 - 500 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at KordaMentha

7.8 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 20 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
KordaMentha partakes in many events, for example: - Movember. - STEPtember. - Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. I have partaken in STEPtember since joining the firm, however the nature of CSR behaviour has changed due to COVID-19.
Intern, Melbourne
We regularly get involved in charity events and fundraisers; I have been involved in a few charity events and we have raised great amounts.
Graduate, Perth
Haven't worked on any projects as of yet, though I understand this may be due to COVID. My firm works with Children's hospitals and does certain activities to raise money for cancer.
Graduate, Brisbane
Unsure of what projects/initiatives are in place
Graduate, Brisbane
All staff are encouraged to engage in charitable pursuits. The firm supports causes such as bear cottage and runs chain reactions a cycling initiative run annually to raise money for charity.
Graduate, Sydney
Constantly working with a range of charities.
Graduate, Sydney
I have not had the opportunity to work on any CSR projects/initiatives during my time at the company (due to COVID-19). However, we have numerous fundraising events each year (eg. bake sales, fun runs, etc).
Graduate, Melbourne
In my time at KM I haven't seen too much at an office based level. There is the occasional charity fun run and the like however there could be more done here.
Graduate, Perth