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  • #5 in Law
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at MinterEllison

8.4 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 17 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
A lot of opportunities to do pro-bono work. Perth office offers a few secondments (1 day per week) to community legal centres.
Graduate, Perth
net zero commitments, reduce waste in office, taking on renewable projects, climate change team (in Melbourne and Sydney)
Graduate, Brisbane
Glenala SS mentoring program
Graduate, Brisbane
Heavy pro bono emphasis run by the amazing people.
Graduate, Brisbane
WISE women's network, Reconciliation Action Plan, significant pro bono involvement, mentoring at schools
Graduate, Melbourne
A strong pro-bono practice
Graduate, Melbourne