Updating Results

Nova Systems

  • #2 in Defence & aerospace
  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Sustainability at Nova Systems

6.6 rating for Sustainability, based on 32 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
There is no visible sustainability action or commitments from senior leadership. I think the company would do well to prioritise this area to attract a more environmentally savvy wave of young people
Graduate, Canberra
Seems pretty environmentally friendly.
Graduate, Melbourne
There are recycling bins and 10c bottle initiatives, and some events are to raise awareness of waste footprints (Plastic Free July).
Graduate, Canberra
A lot more needs to be done and most is individual initiatives from those who care in the company, rather than being company led.
Graduate, Brisbane
Not sure of Nova's environmental impact reduction policies
Graduate, Canberra
While I don't know the in's and out's of our environmental impact, we do use good practice when it comes to office waste and disposal. Much of our work is digital or for another client, so as far as I'm aware we don't create much waste.
Graduate, Brisbane
They recycle and try not to use single-use plastics
Graduate, Melbourne
This company is involved in projects some of which are focused on reducing damage to the environment or when the environment is at risk, the company is involved in projects that manage that.
Graduate, Melbourne
In this line of business, it is difficult to be environmentally friendly. I think we do the best we can given the circumstances.
Graduate, Melbourne
The company gets behind two leaders' efforts to be more environmentally aware which is awesome to see. but nothing too much at the higher level that I've noticed
Graduate, Adelaide
Nothing showcasing sustainability efforts - apart from individual efforts
Graduate, Melbourne
There is stuff happening here
Graduate, Canberra
Sustainability is always a topic of discussion in the company. Everything done in the company is done after considering the sustainability aspect.
Graduate, Melbourne
Our company doesn't produce anything (besides people), so there is minimal ways to be sustainable - however we have the different bins and all electronics get turned off at night.
Graduate, Melbourne