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Big 4 Grads Share the Interview Questions They Were Asked

Craig Shepherd

Hear straight from grads about the most common interview questions the Big 4 ask.

Since 2018, we've been surveying Big 4 grads across Australia and New Zealand about the questions they were asked in their interviews. Here are the most common questions based on 1300+ survey responses.

  1. Questions asked by all of the Big 4
  2. Questions asked by KPMG, PwC and Deloitte
  3. Questions asked KPMG
  4. Questions asked by PwC
  5. Questions asked by Deloitte

Questions asked by all of the Big 4

Questions about you as a person

My short and long term goals, my passion and hobbies – Graduate @ PwC

Questions related to: my interest in my chosen area, extracurricular activities. – Graduate @ EY

What are my hobbies and other interests (volunteering)? – Graduate @ Deloitte

About my background (why I studied what I did and where I did it etc.) and about my interests outside uni (sport, travel, hobbies etc.)  – Graduate @ KPMG

Check out our best advice for answering personal questions in an accounting interview.

Questions about your motivations for joining their firm 

I was ... asked how much I knew about the firm and why I chose and wanted to work at *this* firm, and not another.– Graduate @ KPMG

Why did you choose EY? – Graduate @ EY

Why PwC? – Graduate @ PwC

Why Deloitte as compared to other Big 4?  – Graduate @ Deloitte

Check out our best advice for answering why you want to join a specific accounting firm..

Questions about your motivations for joining a specific service line

Why consulting?  – Graduate @ Deloitte

Why are you interested in joining the firm and this team? – Graduate @ EY

I was asked questions about ... why I want to work in audit  – Graduate @ PwC

Why do you want to work in tax?  – Graduate @ KPMG

Learn how to respond to questions that ask about your interest in a service line.

Questions about why you think you're qualified

Explain a piece of work / projects that you've done in your studies or at work that demonstrate an ability in this area of work? – Graduate @ KPMG

What skills would you provide to the team? – Graduate @ EY

How my current skills would translate into the audit room – Graduate @ PwC

How my previous experience is relevant for this role – Graduate @ Deloitte

Learn how to talk about your skills & show they're relevant.

Questions about what you know

I was asked what I though an auditor was. – Graduate @ KPMG

Why this role? What do you think it does?– Graduate @ EY

What was our understanding of assurance and what we perceived would be our role at the firm if we were hired. – Graduate @ PwC

Video interview: What do you know about the job you're applying for? – Graduate @ Deloitte

Check out our best tips for answering knowledge-based questions like these.

Questions about your strengths & weaknesses

 What are your greatest strengths? What are your greatest weaknesses? – Graduate @ KPMG

Biggest weakness – Graduate @ EY

What are your areas of strength/weakness? – Graduate @ PwC

What are your three best strengths and two weaknesses? – Graduate @ Deloitte

Learn how to answer the strengths & weaknesses question in an accounting interview.

Questions about working under pressure

Can you describe an instance where you had to work under significant pressure?  – Graduate @ KPMG

Can you think of a time when you had a lot of projects due at once and how you dealt with it? – Graduate @ EY

Tell me about a time when you had to deliver an outcome under pressure.  – Graduate @ Deloitte

 Describe a time when you work under pressure and how you have dealt with it  – Graduate @ PwC

Questions about dealing with conflict

What was an example of workplace conflict and how did you resolve it? – Graduate @ KPMG

I was asked to describe times when I worked in a team, times when I had to deal with a difficult person. – Graduate @ EY

How do you handle conflict with others?  – Graduate @ PwC

How i handle conflict  – Graduate @ Deloitte

Learn how to best answer interview questions about conflict.

Questions about solving problems & overcoming challenges

 I was asked what challenges I have faced and overcome that may assist me in my role. – Graduate @ KPMG

Describe a time you have been challenged and how you overcame it? – Graduate @ EY

I was asked to shed light on difficult situations I had overcome ... instances where I had to use my problem solving skills  – Graduate @ PwC

Can you describe a time when you faced a challenge in the workplace and how you overcame this?  – Graduate @ Deloitte

See how to answer questions like this.

Questions about leadership

can you give an example where you have shown leadership or management qualities to solve a problem? – Graduate @ KPMG

Time you led a team out of difficulty – Graduate @ PwC

I was asked behavioural questions which included ... Describe a time you have demonstrated teamwork and leadership? – Graduate @ EY

Most, if not all, questions asked to draw upon real life experiences and how they related to potentially working at Deloitte e.g. times when you exhibited leadership and were trusted by colleagues and employers – Graduate @ Deloitte

Here's how you can answer questions on leadership.

Questions about teamwork

Talk us through a time you've had group members not pull their weight. How do you deal with difficult team members? – Graduate @ KPMG

Questions surrounding the demonstration of collaboration and leadership through professional and educational endeavours. – Graduate @ EY

Varies depending on interviewer. A focus is on working in different teams. – Graduate @ PwC

How well do I work in a team? – Graduate @ Deloitte

Here's how to talk about your leadership skills in an interview.

Situational questions

I was asked a lot of questions about how I would practically deal with certain situations in the workplace. For instance, if I had to deal with conflict with a client or with a colleague. – Graduate @ KPMG

scenario situations - 'what would you do if...' – Graduate @ EY

How would you tackle a project on the "effect of bullying"? – Graduate @ PwC

If you had to step out of a meeting with a CEO for an emergency, how would you handle to situation? – Graduate @ Deloitte

Questions asked by KPMG, PwC and Deloitte

At least based on the responses we received, it seems that KPMG, PwC and Deloitte are more interested than EY in making sure you're a good fit for the firm and they're a good fit for you. Here are some questions they ask to assess this.

Questions about fit

 Why I think I would suit audit – Graduate @ KPMG

What makes me a good fit for PwC – Graduate @ PwC

Why would you be good for Deloitte and why would Deloitte be good for you? – Graduate @ Deloitte

Questions about what you want to achieve at the firm

Why KPMG, what you want out of your job. – Graduate @ KPMG

What I wanted to get out of working at PwC – Graduate @ PwC

Why work for Deloitte? What do you want to achieve at Deloitte?– Graduate @ Deloitte

Questions about your career plans

where do I want to take this role in the future  – Graduate @ KPMG

About ... what I wanted in my career – Graduate @ PwC

Where do you see yourself in five years time?  – Graduate @ Deloitte

Here's how to answer questions like this at an accounting & advisory interview.

Questions about your proudest achievement

What do you do to achieve something? What is your biggest achievement – Graduate @ KPMG

What is an achievement you are proud of? – Graduate @ PwC

What is your greatest achievement? It was more getting to know each other then proper interview questions – Graduate @ Deloitte

Questions about failures & mistakes

Give me an example where you failed and what you learnt. – Graduate @ KPMG

Questions regarding my ambitions, my achievement and most importantly my failures. – Graduate @ PwC

Tell me about a time you made a mistake and how did you deal with it? – Graduate @ Deloitte

Here's how to talk about your failures in an accounting interview.

Questions about how receptive you are to feedback

 Behavioural questions e.g. how do you respond to criticism – Graduate @ KPMG

Whether I have asked for feedback before and to talk about a time I did – Graduate @ PwC

Give an example of a time you ... accepted/asked for feedback.– Graduate @ Deloitte

Questions about time management

  Give me an example demonstrating good time-management skills. – Graduate @ KPMG

 how do you prioritise your work – Graduate @ PwC

How I managed uni and part-time jobs – Graduate @ Deloitte

Questions asked by KPMG

I would really encourage students to think broadly around their experiences and use examples from across sport, extra-curricular, work experience, and not feel that they just have to talk about their university studies. – Helen Bobbitt, KPMG's graduate talent acquisition manager

Questions about integrity

Notably, while almost all accounting firms claim to value integrity, KPMG was the only one out of the Big 4 which asked questions about it.

I was asked why I wanted to join KPMG, when I had displayed initiative and integrity, an example of when I demonstrated ethics and how I felt about receiving feedback.

I was asked about ... how I would respond if a senior member asked me to breach integrity.

How I resolve mistakes at work, maintain integrity. 

Ethical questions, Personality questions, Leadership questions 

Describe a time you have stood up for something you believe in. 

Questions about diversity

How do you respond to diversity?

question about diversity ... on why it is important

1. Introduce yourself 2. How do your values align to the service line you want to apply for 3. Question about diversity

How I felt about diversity and inclusion.

Questions about KPMG's values

In general, KPMG and PwC asked more questions about their firms' values.

How do your values align to the service line you want to apply for

What made me choose this company? Why this division? What values do you align with?

Video interview: - why you want to work from KPMG/the role - question on one of the core values of KPMG

The majority of questions are behavioral based that focus on the values of the company.

Questions about innovation

When have you shown leadership? Or innovation?

Please describe a time that you were innovative, and what you achieved from your innovation.

Some of the questions asked revolved around problem solving, teamwork and innovation.

Questions asked by PwC

Questions on current affairs

Why PwC, why this team, what interests you about the subject, current affairs questions, time you lead a time out of difficulty – Graduate @ PwC

Why PwC? Experiences in life/work to date and how they demonstrate X, current affairs, situational questions. – Graduate @ PwC

How do you keep informed with world affairs? – Graduate @ PwC

I was also asked where I source my news and to talk about an article I read recently. – Graduate @ PwC

It was very conversational rather than a list of questions. Some examples are: 1) What is your Passion? 2) Is there any current market issues that intrigues me? – Graduate @ PwC

Tell us about a commercial issue you're keeping up to date with – Graduate @ PwC

What do you see will be the future of work? – Graduate @ PwC

personal understanding of PwC values, and the future of assurance services – Graduate @ PwC

Questions on diversity

Tell me about a time when you had to adapt in order to cater for someone else's culture. – Graduate @ PwC

How I have handled working in a workplace with a diverse cultural background. – Graduate @ PwC

Question were tailored to determine if I will be a good fit in the already diverse community. – Graduate @ PwC

Tell us about a time you had conflict and it was a result of cultural differences? – Graduate @ PwC

Questions on technology

What do I think of recent technological changes? – Graduate @ PwC

How you have used an emerging technology? – Graduate @ PwC

They asked about technologies and asked questions to get to know more of your personality. – Graduate @ PwC

What is a recent digital tool that you learnt? – Graduate @ PwC

One question was about how I utilise technology. – Graduate @ PwC

Questions about PwC values

Questions in line with how my past experience align to the PwC purpose and values. – Graduate @ PwC

Describe a situation which displayed PwC values. – Graduate @ PwC

General questions regarding the business principles and values, what action you would take in certain situations and more technical questions aligned to the BU you are applying for. – Graduate @ PwC

General questions about hobbies at first, then how i can apply PwC's values – Graduate @ PwC

What are PwC's core values? – Graduate @ PwC

Questions to throw you off

Quite a few grads also mentioned curveball questions.

Lots of information about me and what I liked to do, why I wanted to work at PwC as well as a few weird questions to through me off

The standard interview questions, then was thrown curveball questions based on my responses.

The online interview was obviously designed to catch people off guard, and prompted questions like 'describe your dream client' or gave an oddly specific scenario and asked you how you would deal with it.

Questions asked by Deloitte

We are looking for people that are naturally inquisitive and passionate about their future and show genuine interest in our business and our leaders. You will stand out if you have done thorough research around our business and client offerings. – Emma Taylor, the senior manager for national graduate talent acquisition @ Deloitte Australia advises

The future of Deloitte

These questions assess a candidate's understanding of the broader industry challenges and trends, and how they align with Deloitte's future.

What do you think is the biggest challenge that the company will face in 5 years time?

What do I think are the biggest risks to the company. 

What are some of the areas that are within Deloitte's focus in the near future?

What future obstacles and advantages could you see impact Deloitte Technology?

Tech & IT-related questions

I was asked about- IT synergies that exist in merger and acquisition situations - stakeholder consideration in technology implementation and business restructuring

What do I like about technology?

Technology, Experience, Interests and Business related analysis.

Consulting-related questions

What's the need for consulting companies and what's the benefit for our clients from us? 

Case study question, What is your strategy to tackle this company's problem? 5min to prepare your presentation, 2min to present your ideas.

The case study asked a lot of business questions, such as how would you act in this situation.

Grads' best advice

We also surveyed grads on their best advice for dealing with the whole interview process. Here's were their top tips.

#1 Be yourself and show genuine interest

This one came up a lot. Being yourself benefits both you and the employer! If they like you, they like you. If they don't, you won't want to work there either.

It's all well and good if you can fake who you are and get the job - but you won’t enjoy working for the firm if you aren't yourself.

Be yourself. If you aren't seen to be a fit, it's good for you in the long run.

Just be yourself. Do not answer questions robotically and be honest with yourself and your interviewer.

Don't try to impress - it shows.

#2 Do your homework

Prep for the interview by researching the company, understanding the role, and being ready to answer behavioral and technical questions.

Do your research, have real-life examples to support what you say.

Ensure you have a full understanding of the service line you are applying for."

Familiarise yourself with the companies values and align these to why you want to work for the company.

Be able to articulate why you want to work at this company.

#3 Be someone others want to work with

Strong communication skills, being able to hold a conversation, and social intelligence are important. This includes the ability to be both self-assured and humble.

They want to hire people who they want to work with.

Be able to hold a conversation and engage in meaningful discussion.

Be personable. If you make it to the later stages of an interview process, they already know you're capable of doing the job.

#4 Show you're a team player

I appreciated that they cared less about my marks, and more about myself and my skills as a team member.

Be a team player in group exercises.

#5 Show that you're willing to learn

Showing a willingness to learn and adapt is key. Employers don't expect interns and graduates to know much, but you do need to be open to training and feedback. 

An eagerness to learn and acknowledgement that you are, after all, only a graduate, are extremely important!

Show willingness to learn and adapt as you progress throughout your career.

What next?

We hope this helps you prepare for your Big 4 interviews! And if you're still looking for accounting & advisory roles, check out:

All the best!

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