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31+ Internship Interview Questions ( +Impressive Answers)

Amina Ibrahim

Prepare with confidence and increase your chances with our comprehensive list of 32 internship interview questions and impressive answers.

Even if your resume looks impressive with all your achievements and experiences, the interviewer wants to hear it all from you. That is why preparing internship interview questions is important – you have to plan how to talk about your skills, experiences, and how enthusiastic you are for the internship.

But when you are new to this, everything can feel pretty puzzling. Instead of focusing on how to explain why you want the internship position and why you would be a great fit for the team and company, you end up spending more time wondering if you are doing it right.

We are here to help you cut the chase and get down to business. From classic inquiries about strengths and weaknesses to scenario-based questions assessing problem-solving abilities, we crafted the best question guide for internship interviews and their ultimate responses. Let’s get started. 

32 Most Relevant Internship Interview Questions & Answers

Landing an internship is exciting but the interview process can be tough. To help you with this, here are the 32 most common internship interview questions and their answers to make you stand out during the process.

1. Tell us about yourself

I am currently a junior at XYZ University, pursuing a degree in Accounting. My passion lies in numbers and financial analysis, and in my free time, I have taken roles in the finance club, where I organised budgeting workshops and managed the club's financial records. 

Academically, I focused on courses like Advanced Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting where I have excelled in understanding complex financial concepts. I am excited about applying my accounting skills and practical experience to an internship that offers hands-on exposure to the industry.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to gauge your background, interests, and how they align with the internship. They want to understand how well you articulate your relevant experiences and skills.

2. Why did you apply for this internship?

I chose to apply for this internship because of your company’s outstanding reputation in the accounting industry. I have been following the company's work closely and admire its commitment to innovation and excellence. 

Moreover, the internship description perfectly aligns with my career aspirations. I am eager to gain relevant experience in financial reporting and analysis and believe that your company’s structured programme will provide an ideal platform to further develop my skills.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to know your motivations for applying to their specific internship. Your answer should demonstrate your understanding of the company, its values, and how the internship aligns with your career goals.

3. What skills or experiences make you a good fit for this role?

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I believe my adaptability and quick learning skills make me a strong fit for this role. In my previous experiences, I went through various challenges by quickly grasping new concepts and adapting to changing situations.

Additionally, my attention to detail ensures accuracy and precision in tasks. I am also proficient in using various software tools and have a knack for organising information efficiently, which I believe will be beneficial in handling the responsibilities associated with this role.

What interviewers are looking for

This question helps the interviewers gauge your self-awareness regarding the skills and experiences you possess that align with the role.

4. Can you describe a project or task where you demonstrated your problem-solving abilities?

Certainly, in a previous project, we encountered a sudden change in requirements midway through. It was challenging but I initiated brainstorming sessions with the team to re-evaluate our approach. We broke down the problem into smaller parts to identify critical areas that needed adjustment and prioritise tasks accordingly. 

I took the lead in researching viable solutions, presented them to the team, and together, we evaluated each solution's feasibility and impact. Finally, we successfully restructured our strategy to meet the revised requirements within the given timeframe.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to know how you approach problems, the steps you take to resolve them, and how you collaborate with a team to implement solutions.

5. How do you handle working in a team? Can you provide an example of a successful team project you were part of?

I thrive in a collaborative team environment. One notable project involved coordinating a team to streamline our workflow. We started by identifying individual strengths and delegating tasks accordingly to optimise productivity. 

Clear communication channels were established, and regular check-ins ensured everyone was on the same page. I facilitated discussions and ensured everyone had a chance to contribute. Our cohesive effort resulted in exceeding our project goals within the set timeline.

What interviewers are looking for

This question allows interviewers to understand how you collaborate with others, your ability to lead or contribute within a team, and how you handle challenges and successes collectively.

6. What do you hope to gain or learn from this internship?

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I am looking forward to gaining hands-on experience in various facets that will help me understand the intricacies of this field. Specifically, I aim to refine my analytical abilities, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. 

Moreover, I'm keen on observing and learning from professionals in this field, understanding their methodologies, and applying that knowledge to further develop my expertise. Ultimately, I hope to get a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its practices to shape my career path.

What interviewers are looking for

This question assesses if your goals align with what the internship can offer and if you have a clear understanding of how this experience fits into your career path.

7. How do you think your academic coursework or extracurricular activities prepared you for this internship?

My academic coursework in accounting equipped me with a solid understanding of financial reporting, tax regulations, and auditing principles. Courses like Financial Accounting and Auditing Theory provided me with a theoretical foundation that directly applies to the responsibilities mentioned in the job description. 

Additionally, my participation in extracurricular activities, like finance clubs and case competitions, polished my analytical and presentation skills.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to hear about specific courses or experiences that align with accounting principles and tasks outlined in the job description.

8. What motivates you in a work or academic setting?

I am driven by the opportunity to constantly learn and grow. In both work and academic settings, the chance to tackle new challenges excites me. I find motivation in setting goals and working diligently to achieve them.

The prospect of contributing meaningfully to a team or project and seeing tangible results is incredibly exciting for me.

What interviewers are looking for

The hiring manager wants to gauge if your motivations sync with the dynamics of the internship and the potential career path it offers. They seek insights into what drives you to excel and contribute in a work or academic environment.

9. What type of work environment do you prefer?

I appreciate having the autonomy to tackle tasks independently but I also value being part of a supportive team where ideas flow freely. A place that encourages open communication, where everyone respects each other's opinions, is important to me. 

I am at my best in an environment that promotes innovation and encourages continuous learning. Being part of a team that values diversity and inclusivity is something I find really motivating.

What interviewers are looking for

With this question, Interviewers try to find candidates who can adapt to various work environments and contribute positively to a team while thriving independently.

10. How do you manage your time and prioritise tasks when faced with multiple deadlines?

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When handling multiple deadlines, I start by breaking down tasks and assessing their urgency and importance. I create a to-do list or use a task management tool to organise my responsibilities. 

I also communicate with my team or supervisor to ensure alignment and manage expectations. I am open to adjusting priorities if necessary. When it gets hectic, I am not afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks if it means meeting all the deadlines without compromising quality.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers evaluate your time management skills and ability to handle pressure in a fast-paced environment. 

11. Do you have experience with specific software and tools relevant to the internship?

I have experience with a range of software and tools that are commonly used in professional settings. For instance, I am proficient in using spreadsheet applications like Excel or Google Sheets for data analysis and reporting. I am also familiar with project management tools like Trello and Asana to organise and track tasks. 

Additionally, I have had exposure to accounting software like QuickBooks or other similar platforms during coursework or personal projects. While I may not be an expert in all tools, I am adaptable and eager to learn new software that is used in your internship program.

What interviewers are looking for

During the interview process, hiring managers want to see your familiarity with common tools and software relevant to the internship and if you are willing to adapt to learn new tools if required.

12. What do you think sets you apart from other candidates applying for this internship?

What sets me apart is my combination of adaptability and passion. I am excited about facing new challenges and learning from them. My adaptability shines through in how I quickly adjust to new environments or unexpected situations. Plus, my passion for what I do fuels my dedication.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to know what unique qualities or experiences you bring to the table that differentiate you from other candidates. They are looking for specific traits, skills, or attributes that make you a standout candidate for the internship.

13. Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new or unexpected situation. How did you approach it?

I remember a group project where a team member suddenly had to leave because of unforeseen circumstances. It was a difficult situation but we rallied together. We took a step back to reevaluate our approach and redistributed tasks to fill the gap. 

I took some of the additional responsibilities and we adjusted our timeline to accommodate the change. We kept each other updated on progress and any hurdles. Ultimately, we managed to complete the project successfully and also built a stronger team dynamic.

What interviewers are looking for

Internship interviewers are interested in understanding how you handle unexpected situations and your ability to collaborate effectively within a team to overcome challenges.

14. In what ways do you stay updated or informed about developments in your field of interest?

I stay updated by regularly engaging with industry publications, subscribing to newsletters, and following reputable blogs or online forums related to my field. I also make it a point to attend webinars, workshops, or seminars whenever possible. 

Networking with professionals in the field has been incredibly insightful too. Additionally, I am a fan of joining professional groups or associations that provide valuable insights and keep me in the loop about the latest trends and advancements.

What interviewers are looking for

They want to see how committed you are to continuous learning and learn about your strategies for staying updated with industry trends and advancements.

15. Describe a class project where you had to demonstrate strong communication skills

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One project that stands out was a collaborative research paper where communication was crucial. We had diverse viewpoints in our team which was great but also challenging. My role involved coordinating meetings, ensuring everyone had a chance to voice their ideas, and synthesising those ideas into a cohesive paper. 

I focused on active listening, asking clarifying questions, and creating an inclusive environment where everyone felt comfortable contributing. Clear communication strengthened our teamwork and also resulted in a detailed and comprehensive research paper.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to hear about instances where you demonstrated active listening, inclusivity, and the ability to articulate ideas coherently while collaborating on a project.

16. What do you think are the biggest challenges or trends in this industry, and how might they affect our company?

One major challenge I have noticed in various industries is the rapid pace of technological advancements. In our industry, the trend of automation and artificial intelligence is transforming the way businesses operate. This shift presents opportunities to streamline processes or improve efficiency. 

However, it could also pose challenges if not integrated effectively, especially in areas where human expertise is crucial. Additionally, changing consumer preferences and the focus on sustainability can significantly impact how companies operate and market their products or services.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers assess how well you can identify the potential impacts of the trends on their specific company. They want to see if you can think critically about potential opportunities and threats arising from industry shifts.

17. Describe a situation where you had to take the lead or initiate a project

There was a time during a group assignment when our team was struggling to get started. We were all enthusiastic but lacked direction. So I stepped up and proposed a structured plan. I organised a brainstorming session to gather ideas, created a project timeline, and assigned specific tasks to each team member based on their strengths. 

Taking the lead was more about facilitating and ensuring everyone was on the same page. It turned out to be a successful project and the team appreciated the clarity and guidance, which helped us stay focused and meet our goals.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to gauge your leadership abilities and initiative. They are also assessing your ability to guide and motivate others without being domineering.

18. Can you discuss a time when you had to resolve a conflict within a team?

In one project team, we had a difficult team member who often had conflicting opinions. It created tension and affected the overall team dynamics. I initiated a conversation in a neutral setting, focusing on understanding their perspective without judgment. 

When I actively listened and acknowledged their concerns, we found common ground. It involved compromise from both sides, but ultimately, we reached a solution that everyone was comfortable with. 

What interviewers are looking for

They are interested in hearing about how you handle difficult team members or resolve conflicts within a group. They assess your ability to listen, empathise, and find solutions that benefit the team as a whole.

19. How do you keep yourself organised and on track when working on long-term projects?

I rely on a to-do list. Breaking down big projects into smaller, manageable tasks helps me stay organised. I set deadlines for each task and use project management tools like Trello or even sticky notes to keep track of progress. 

Regular check-ins with the team or supervisor ensure I am on the right path and also help me adjust my timeline if needed. I am also a big fan of time blocking – that helps minimise distractions.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are trying to find how you structure your workflow, set goals, and ensure progress over an extended period.

20. Tell us about a time when you had to quickly learn a new skill or subject for a project

I volunteered for a community event where they needed someone to manage their social media presence. I had limited experience in that area but I dove right in. I watched tutorials, read articles, and even reached out to friends who had some expertise. 

In no time, I understood the basics of social media marketing tools and strategies. It was difficult at first but the rush of learning something new and applying it successfully was worth it.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers assess your adaptability and ability to learn new skills or subjects quickly.

21. Discuss a situation where you faced a setback or failure

I once organised a charity event that didn't attract as many volunteers as expected. It was disheartening but I took it as a learning experience. I analysed what went wrong – communication gaps and not using social media effectively

I realised the importance of clear communication and using various channels to reach out for volunteer opportunities. It taught me the value of anticipating potential challenges and having contingency plans. That setback motivated me to improve my organisational and outreach skills for future initiatives.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are looking to learn about your resilience and ability to analyse failures or negative feedback constructively and understand what lessons you learn from failures.

22. Can you talk about a situation where you had to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds?

I was part of a university project team that had members from different cultures and academic disciplines. We celebrated our diversity by leveraging everyone's strengths. Initially, communication was a challenge because of language barriers but we found common ground through active listening and patience. 

Embracing diverse perspectives enriched our project discussions and helped us come up with more innovative solutions.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are interested in your experiences working in diverse teams. They want to know how you communicate and collaborate challenges while valuing the diversity of thought.

23. In what ways do you think diversity and inclusion impact workplace dynamics?

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When you have a mix of backgrounds, perspectives, and ideas, it promotes creativity. Different viewpoints produce more innovative solutions. Plus, when everyone feels included and valued, they are more engaged and motivated. It creates an environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves and bringing their unique strengths to the table.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are interested in hearing about how you perceive the impact of diverse perspectives on teamwork, innovation, and overall workplace culture.

24. In your opinion, what makes a successful team?

To me, a successful team is about how individual talents blend together. Communication is key – when everyone is on the same page, success happens. Trust and respect among team members create a comfortable environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Celebrating wins, big or small, and supporting each other through challenges are the secrets to a successful team.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to know about your understanding of team dynamics, collaboration, communication, and the elements that contribute to a cohesive and high-performing team.

25. What role do you typically assume in a team setting?

I am known for keeping things organised. I get into the minute details, ensuring everyone is on track and deadlines are met. I love making lists and setting up project plans to keep us focused. But at the same time, I make sure everyone feels motivated and valued because a happy team is a productive team.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to understand if you gravitate towards specific responsibilities, like organisation, leadership, motivation, or coordination, and how you contribute to team success.

26. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to persuade others to see things from your perspective?

In a group project, there was a debate on the project approach. My perspective was different but I knew it could benefit the project. I didn't just push my viewpoint; I took time to understand everyone else's perspectives first. 


Then, I shared my thoughts and explained how my approach could complement theirs. It took some convincing, but eventually, the team agreed. It was a win-win – we combined ideas for a stronger outcome.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are looking to assess your persuasion skills and your ability to influence others positively. 

27. Discuss a situation where you had to take initiative beyond your assigned responsibilities

There was a project where we were falling behind on data collection. I noticed this gap and knew it was critical for the project's success. So I took the initiative to create a more efficient data collection process. 

I researched and introduced a new tool that streamlined the data gathering, making it quicker and more accurate. I also took charge of training the team on using this tool. It wasn't in my original role but I saw the need and stepped up to ensure we met our project deadlines.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to gauge your proactiveness and willingness to go beyond assigned tasks.

28. Discuss a time when you had to take a calculated risk to achieve a positive outcome

I recall a situation during a group project where we were debating whether to present an unconventional idea. It was risky because it deviated from the standard approach. After weighing the pros and cons, I decided to advocate for the unique idea. 

It felt like a gamble but I presented it with confidence, highlighting the potential benefits. In the end, it paid off – our unconventional approach received positive feedback and started engaging discussions, producing a more innovative final project.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to know about your ability to assess risks, make informed decisions, and eventually achieve positive results through your actions.

29. How do you approach situations where you have to work with limited guidance or supervision?

I see it as an opportunity to take ownership and showcase my independence. When I have limited guidance, I start by thoroughly understanding the task or project goals. I will research and gather as much information as possible to fill in any gaps. 

I am not afraid to ask questions to clarify doubts and ensure I am on the right track. Additionally, I keep a structured plan with milestones and check-ins, allowing me to track progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are looking to assess your ability to work independently and learn about your strategies for self-direction.

30. How do you handle situations when you feel overwhelmed or stressed?

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I take a step back to organise my thoughts. I prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance. I find that breaking down big tasks into smaller steps helps ease the stress. 

Taking short breaks also refreshes my mind. Sometimes, discussing the situation with a colleague or mentor brings new perspectives. When things get really hectic, I ask for help or delegate tasks to ensure everything gets done efficiently.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are interested in your coping mechanisms, your ability to prioritise tasks, and your willingness to seek assistance when needed.

31. How can you ensure effective communication and productivity when collaborating remotely with team members?

Remote collaboration needs clear communication channels. I make sure we have scheduled meetings for updates and discussions. I use different communication tools like video calls, chat platforms, and emails for quick exchanges. 


Setting clear expectations and deadlines helps everyone stay on the same page. I also encourage regular check-ins to maintain team cohesion and address any issues promptly.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers want to assess your strategies for maintaining effective communication, ensuring productivity, and fostering teamwork while working remotely.

32. What should we know about you that is not on your resume?

Apart from my professional side, I am passionate about volunteering. I have been involved in various community service initiatives, from organising food drives to mentoring students. It is something I hold close to my heart and has taught me valuable lessons about teamwork, empathy, and leadership. 

Volunteering has also given me a broader perspective on life and shaped my approach to working with diverse groups of people.

What interviewers are looking for

Interviewers are looking to hear your personal story and uncover aspects of your personality or experiences that go beyond what is listed on your resume.


Internship interview questions can be intimidating, especially for someone new to all this. The important thing to understand here is that the interviewer wants to know you and make sure the internship is a win-win. Genuity, relaxed body language, and being confident about your answers are all that you need. 

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