Updating Results

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

9.0 rating for Training, based on 8 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Lots of training programs available including presentation skills, writing skills, economics training and legal training.
Midlevel, Melbourne
The grad program features weeks worth of formal training spread over the year in a wide variety of economic, legal, investigatory and personal development skills.
Midlevel, Hobart
The graduate program offers fantastic formal training. It was significantly better than I expected.
Midlevel, Melbourne
The organization provides a lot of training, from seminars on the work we do, inviting speakers to talk about their organization's work, seminars on cultural awareness and diversity.
Midlevel, Melbourne