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Stantec Australia

  • #7 in Engineering consulting
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at Stantec Australia

7.8 rating for Sustainability, based on 33 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
Generally okay.
Graduate, Sydney
Environmental impact and suitability factors considered in office selections. Sustainability is part of our line of design work. Small office initiatives like coffee bean and newspaper for composting and recycling in place.
Graduate, Sydney
A recent presentation indicated many ways that our company could reduce its impacts so I think its heading in the right direction.
Graduate, Perth
Don't know about this, please disregard my rating as I do not know enough about it to make an accurate judgement.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle
Stantec has done many projects with a focus on sustainability and climate change, but is not as radical as may be needed to fight climate change.
Graduate, Brisbane
Organization is working in the right direction regarding the sustainability.
Graduate, Brisbane
The company is very conscious however there is always room for improvement - such as office temperature being too hot, screens automatically staying on, too many office lights
Graduate, Melbourne
We do our best to align with a sustainability standard.
Graduate, Perth
As a service we officer sustainable building, energy and road design. on a office by office basis we have green at Stantec that works on sustainability at an office level for composting and recycling.
Graduate, Brisbane
Our environmental team works in this area. but the DPG has various sustainability initiatives to promote green work
Graduate, Sydney
One of the best.
Graduate, Melbourne