Updating Results


  • 100 - 500 employees

Gender Equality at SYSTRA ANZ

Systra ANZ's unwavering commitment to promoting gender diversity and equity in the workplace.

All employees upon commencement are provided information on the women@systra global network group. This network facilitates knowledge sharing throughout the global Systra group, an 
annual mentoring program to which ANZ has participated in with both mentees and mentors and 
raises important matters related to diversity with the global management team. 
Locally we have representatives of the ELT who meet on a monthly basis to share information on 
both the global initiatives and local needs. 

To promote gender diversity, Systra ANZ has implemented various initiatives, including flexible work arrangements, mentoring programs, and unconscious bias training. The company also actively promotes gender diversity through its recruitment and talent management processes, ensuring that women are represented in all levels of the organisation.

Systra ANZ's commitment to gender diversity and equity has earned recognition from our partner Work180, who awarded us the "Representative Leadership" award on International Women's Day. This award is a testament to our Executive Leadership team's 50/50 gender split, reflecting our efforts to promote equal representation and opportunities for women in leadership roles. In addition to this recognition, Systra ANZ is proud to be endorsed by Work180 and accredited for gender equity, as we strive to drive positive change in the engineering industry. These partnerships and accreditations demonstrate our dedication to creating an inclusive workplace culture that values diversity and promotes gender equity.