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What are you looking for in grads' resumes and C.Vs at Telstra?


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Justin [00:00:03] Kim, for students applying to the grad program at Telstra, what are you looking for in there resumes and their cover letters? Anything specific there?  

Kim [00:00:10] So I think the cover letter thing is a thing of the past. Now, we don't really look at cover letters per se, but we do look at your CV or your resume, and it really is a sneak peek of who you are. So we want to be able to get to know you, your interests as well. So we do encourage for you to outline any university clubs or societies that you are part of and any exciting or cool projects that you've worked on as well. We love reading all of those things and it really gives us an insight on your interests and where we could potentially see you thriving at Telstra.

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