Updating Results

Department of Education

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Disability Support at Department of Education

We aim to be an employer of choice for people with disability and carers of people with disability.

The Ability and Carers Network raises awareness of people who identify as having a disability or have caring responsibilities for someone with a disability. The network influences the department to develop a positive organisational culture that ensures people with disability are confident and supported in their work environment and valued for their contribution.

The network strives to create a safe and inclusive organisational culture with systems and policies in place that ensure people with disability and/or caring responsibilities are confident and supported in their workplace and valued for their contribution.

The network promotes the importance of inclusion and diversity and raises awareness of people who identify as having a disability or have caring responsibilities for someone with a disability.

The Ability and Carers Network is open to all Education employees who are living with disability, have caring responsibilities for people with disability or have an interest in disability.

Ability and Carers logo