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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C)

  • #6 in Government & public service
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Question & Answer

Ask PM&C anything about graduate jobs and internships!

Getting in

Is the PM&C summer vacation program similar in structure and nature of work to the graduate program?
The summer vacation program is mostly within our domestic policy group which is a little bit more economic-focused as op…
Does the upcoming election make any difference to the 2023 PM&C graduate program?
It's not going to make a difference in terms of how many grads we take and the program structure. What it may impact is …
What should I include in my PM&C graduate program application?
Think about examples of communication, teamwork, prioritisation, and relationship management. Really bring out yourself …
Does PM&C have offices outside of Canberra?
Unfortunately at the moment, we're all Canberra based.
Is the PM&C summer vacation program similar in structure and nature of work to the graduate program?
The summer vacation program is mostly within our domestic policy group which is a little bit more economic-focused as op…
Does the upcoming election make any difference to the 2023 PM&C graduate program?
It's not going to make a difference in terms of how many grads we take and the program structure. What it may impact is …
What should I include in my PM&C graduate program application?
Think about examples of communication, teamwork, prioritisation, and relationship management. Really bring out yourself …
Does PM&C have offices outside of Canberra?
Unfortunately at the moment, we're all Canberra based.

Do you have a question for PM&C?

On the job

Is there a ‘home’ department that we are allocated to or are we always moving around?
You move around to different rotations and at the end of the program, it's up to you to decide where you want to go perm…
What does APS4 and APS5 mean?
If you could relate them to the private sector, they are just like a junior role then into medium/intermediate role, the…
What training opportunities are offered during the PM&C graduate program?
Technical, personal professional development, cultural competency, financial assistance for courses...
Does PM&C offer support to graduates that need to relocate to Canberra?
We provide financial assistance for relocation, $4,000 if you're coming in as a single and $5,500 for couples or familie…
On completion of the PM&C graduate program, what opportunities are available?
APS5/APS6 progression, additional studies, short-term opportunities at other departments, opportunities outside of gover…
Am I eligible for further study assistance in the PM&C graduate program?
Studies assistance policies are open to everyone as long as you finish the grad program.
Is there a ‘home’ department that we are allocated to or are we always moving around?
You move around to different rotations and at the end of the program, it's up to you to decide where you want to go perm…
What does APS4 and APS5 mean?
If you could relate them to the private sector, they are just like a junior role then into medium/intermediate role, the…
What training opportunities are offered during the PM&C graduate program?
Technical, personal professional development, cultural competency, financial assistance for courses...
Does PM&C offer support to graduates that need to relocate to Canberra?
We provide financial assistance for relocation, $4,000 if you're coming in as a single and $5,500 for couples or familie…
On completion of the PM&C graduate program, what opportunities are available?
APS5/APS6 progression, additional studies, short-term opportunities at other departments, opportunities outside of gover…
Am I eligible for further study assistance in the PM&C graduate program?
Studies assistance policies are open to everyone as long as you finish the grad program.