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  • #5 in Technology
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Quantium Reviews

Based on 37 surveyed graduates working at Quantium. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 37 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • The company culture actually exists and isn't just empty advertising, as many companies practice.
  • Amazing culture at my employer. Strong focus on personal development and work / life balance.
  • The offices are great; they offer a very flexible working environment. The work is interesting, and there are opportunities to feel like you are making a real difference.
  • Great company culture, great people to work with, engaging work, and good pay
  • The culture is great; everyone's relaxed, nice and supportive, and everyone's always down for a coffee or walking catchup The social aspect is decently good: ample events like team lunches, bonding activities like bowling, and the grand Quantium day High-impact work with high-profile clients and a lot of learning Personally, the manager gives good autonomy, and work hours are decent.
  • Supportive and laid-back environment, truly living by their values of moving fast with care and reaching for remarkable—everyone contributes and produces great work, but they're always happy to answer questions and support you when needed.
  • Low pay compared to larger companies
  • At times, slow engineering processes Average compensation compared to the market
  • There are fewer extra perks.
  • Work hours and type of work vary depending on the project, but that's the nature of consulting.
  • I'm not able to give a preference on what team or area you're placed in during the graduate program, but this is addressed through cross-discipline learning and a team rotation after 12 months.

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
Career progression at Quantium is clear and constantly discussed with our people leader. All graduates are promoted to contributors at the end of their program. Afterwards, promotions are based on performance and meeting objectives, which are formally set every year.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
There has been work with the NDIS and other such organisations in order to make a good impact on the world. They also turn down work, for example, with gambling agencies, in order to make sure they are being ethical.
The culture is very friendly within the office, and lots of team-building events and activities happen regularly. Open-plan workspace combined with good values means you can easily chat with anyone from grad level right up to executives. The office contains lots of board games, table tennis, and a pool for socialising on breaks and after work. After-hours socialising can range from joining one of the many sports and gaming teams to drinks and dinner with your coworkers.
Extremely diverse workplace with staff from lots of ethnic backgrounds. The company has strong support for women in the workplace and the LGBT community. There are networking and mentoring groups, flexibility in taking time during the day to pick up kids, etc.
I get good autonomy, I learn a lot of new technical and soft skills, and I engage with plenty of stakeholders to deliver projects. My role is to enable the analytical capabilities and efficient decision-making of some of the internal teams at Quantium, including resourcing and finance. A lot of my work involves building our internal data pipeline and building reports for colleagues with insights that are not readily available through our source systems.
Managers are very accessible and provide a lot of support and guidance. The company has a strong culture for shouting out wins and performance by team members, and that extends to graduates.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
We have a large open office space in the heart of Sydney with easy access to the train system. The office contains an in-house barista, which costs a $1 donation to charity for a coffee. There are ping-pong tables, games, and pool tables. We have snacks and fruit in all kitchens (including never-ending draws of Tim-Tams), as well as drinks ranging from juice and soft drinks to beer and wine. The dress code is casual, though everyone dresses smart casual. The Melbourne office is far smaller than the Sydney one, which is good in way. The facilities are well kept and comfortable.
Every applicant completes a basic math test, and then successful applicants have a behavioural interview. Finally, the technical interview (for analysts) involved receiving some data points and images, with 1 hour to work through some questions, then discussing these immediately following
I was very happy with the remuneration when compared to some of the big consulting companies that I was also looking at. However, it is lower than what graduates earn in some of the major software engineering fields. companies that seem much more competitive to get into. What was a pleasant surprise was the 10% bonus for graduates that wasn't advertised when I applied.
The training at Quantium is encapsulated by the Graduate Proficiency Checklist, which makes sure that all graduates have to be exposed to a variety of work situations and analysis in their graduate year. Most learning is done on the job via exposure to projects and tasks. Otherwise, some formal learning and development is done to supplement skills that aren't used daily
Work Hours
Work Hours
Company work hours can be very flexible, depending on what team you are on and the nature of the work. WFH opportunities are very strong; you are only required to be in the office two days a week