Updating Results

BOQ Group

  • #8 in Banking & financial services
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at BOQ Group

9.3 rating for Diversity, based on 9 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
There haven't been any issues so far that I have seen though I haven't been here long enough to make a proper comment.
Graduate, Brisbane
There are many support services and culture based around improving diversity and supporting minorities.
Intern, Brisbane
In my experience BOQ has been very encouraging of diversity and policies that cater to that - however I am not privy to the specifics of that.
Intern, Brisbane
Recruitment ensures the team is an eclectic mix of people, from different racial and gender identities. It is very progressive with respect to diversity.
Intern, Melbourne
Diversity is deeply entrenched within the culture and I can tell that it is of great significance here.
Intern, Brisbane
Have a Reconciliation council, partner with CareerTrackers. they have events for International Women's Day. Gender affirmation leave was recently introduced.
Intern, Brisbane
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
I don't know. I'm from a less privileged background but it didn't seem like I was chosen because of that.
Graduate, Brisbane
I am unsure, beyond advertising for work in very public and accessible domains such as SEEK.com
Intern, Brisbane
Interns who applied through First nations internship programs made up a large number of interns, which is great to see.
Intern, Brisbane
Unsure as to specifics, but a clear emphasis on ensuring every candidate has a fair go
Intern, Melbourne
I believe we are enrolled in programs that takes hires from less privileged backgrounds. When I was an intern, there was another intern that was taken from one of these programs.
Intern, Brisbane
Partner with CareerTrackers to help Indigenous university students to have recurring internships over the summer break and eventually leading to employment.
Intern, Brisbane